Tweet Send to a Friend Get Alerts S24 Hot Sheet Price: $0.00 --0% Trade S24 Now! SINGAPORE -- 28 JUNE 2013, UNITED STATES -- (Marketwired) -- 06/28/13 -- STATS ChipPAC Ltd. ("STATS ChipPAC" or the "Company") (SGX-ST: STATSChP) (SGX: S24), a leading provider of advanced semiconductor packaging and test services, today announced the plan to consolidate its leaded wirebond packaging and related test operations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia into its Qingpu, Shanghai, China operations over several phases in 2013 and 2014, and the closure of its Malaysia plant by the end of 2014. Tan Lay Koon, President and Chief Executive Officer, STATS ChipPAC, said, "The announced plan will consolidate our...